Very Difficult Decisions

Posted on 21 Nov 2015 in Uncategorized | 0 comments

Very difficult decisions

Yesterday I was in a home where the owners were moving to a small house. They wanted a house, as they are avid gardeners. Fortunately, they are able to afford gardening help for the strenuous work. However moving to a much smaller house after 32 years in the family home was a difficult decision. Yet they accepted that they could no longer take care of a large home. They had hoped that one of their children would purchase it so that it would continue in the family but this area is expensive and neither of them could afford it. It was also necessary to get the highest price possible so the house was put on the open market.
It now has a for sale sign out front. Not wanting to wait until the house sold they decided to start going through their possessions to determine what would fit into the new, smaller house. Quickly this became overwhelming.
I was called in to help.

We started with the larger items. Determining which pieces of furniture would fit and were necessary, seemed to be an easy first step. Obviously three bedroom sets were no longer needed, a kitchen and dining table would no longer fit and the numerous antique rugs would need to be measured and decided on.

They realized that they would part with many things but the extent of it had not set in. While they knew the kitchen/dining area was smaller, they had not realized that neither of their tables would fit. A new, smaller one would need to be purchased. Now with only one extra bedroom they had thought that one of their bedroom sets could just be moved in. However, the new bedroom was considerably smaller and could only accommodate one bed. Shelves would need to be added to the closet since a dresser would not fit.

As this went on throughout the day, they became overwhelmed, exhausted and irritable. I suggested we stop for a day or two to let them unwind and let the reality slowly sink in. I also suggested that they spend a day or two walking through the new house getting a better picture of their available space.
Taking a break in the downsizing process is always a good idea.

To Be Continued….

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